Kelly Lane Water Control Improvement District 1
Kelly Lane WCID 1
The following information is being provided to help you become familiar with the policies and procedures relating to your utility service for Kelly Lane Water Control & Improvement District No. 1.
The service(s) included in this district’s utility bill: Water, Wastewater, Trash & Recycling
Trash/Recycle Information: 844-708-7274 https://www.wasteconnections.comWaste Connections Trash service day: Trash Pickup on Fridays. Recycle Every other Friday
2023-KELLY-LANE-WCID-1-TRASH-AND-RECYCLE-CALENDARCalendar WasteAndRecyclingGuide-KellyLaneWCID1.pdfTrash/Recycle Guide
Please report all pollution concerns to the City of Pflugerville, Travis County, or the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ), especially if it has the potential to impact a stream, creak, or other nearby water source.